MAKIOS LOGISTICS integrated logistics services

The 12-year expertise of our company in the field of gas and LPG network installations is the reason why the largest industries and craft industries throughout the country have trusted us.

One of them is the company Makios, for which we undertook the installation of a new piping network.

The project concerns the connection of the cogeneration device, with biogas supply, cooling water supply, oil network supply as well as installation of hot water piping network.

More precisely, the following works took place:

  1. Construction – installation of a biogas plant for the production of electricity
  2. Construction of a biogas network
  3. Construction of hot water cogeneration network
  4. Construction of an exhaust duct
  5. Full electrical connection of the cogeneration plant and further automation
  6. Construction of a network for filling and removing wastewater from the oil collector